Wednesday, 19 August 2015

Wednesday 19th August

Quick wrap up of the trio's Minecraft projects as it is nearly a week since the last one.

Since my last post the trio have been whitelisted to play on a large home ed server. Suggested by a friend as a source of new contacts for S it has also been great for E and O.

E (8)

E said today "All the best mini games on my realm are designed by Seth Bling!"

E was really sad on Sunday when he was on the end of some griefing on cosmicpvp. Real tears! What a transformation from the boy who was always doing the damage a few months back. He appears to be turning into the diplomat! I hear him suggesting drinks and screen breaks to overwhelmed friends.

All forgiven and forgotten E  has made a skywars map with friends on his Realm. So quickly!

He has been learning about command blocks and watching popular MMOs to do so.

As we are pretty much hibernating during August he has been on MC lots - Today he has Skyped with around 10 people (not all at once!!) Meeting his socials needs without leaving the house.

S (10)

S has had her latest realm 3 days shy of a month. and what a month for her and Glitter Village! Initially she had one friend on there then invited two others but often really struggled with situations that weren't 1:1 Fast forward to today and her realm only has 2 free slots remaining from the 20 maximum!

She has built shops and jails and courtrooms and a theatre and is now moving in a new circle of people completely. It's really amazing to witness the transformation.

She is really enjoying the plays and talking about casting and directing - I can tell she 's really into a new zone as she has changed her skin. (using Skindex BlueGem)

Not all of S's new friends have Skype so she is doing way more typing.


O has been joining in too thanks to the HE Server - tonight he helped out designing a plot inspired by bees which is cool as he is enjoyed the bees at Haslemere Museum last week. He used item frames filled with dandelion to represent the honey in the bee hives he built.

O also helped E and his friends build the Skywars map on E's realm

I wonder what the collective total of blocks placed since my last update is!

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