Thursday, 13 August 2015

Minecraft - Thursday 18th August

Talking about the learning places Minecraft can take you I remembered this post from 2014 when we borrowed the obsidian from Haslemere Museum and went in search of diamonds and ocelots. That was back in the vanilla days. Now it's all about being a VIP on Hypixel and mods and technic launcher and, well, a whole nother level really.

Today has been a day of Minecraft. I could say it is because it has rained all day but actually atm sunny days are pretty similar!

When the lightning flashed the lights this morning I thought "Please no powercut!"

First thing this morning E asked me to investigate the idea of server hosting because although he extended his realm yesterday he really wants to play modded worlds with his friends and a server is the way to do that

This morning S and O played the mod pack "MInecraft comes alive" via technic launcher on the LAN - It is like Sims and you can have fairy lights!! O was finding the breeding really overwhelming and he said

"I've had enough of the family thing take these kids away."

He likes Minecraft comes alive because of the wardrobe options, deco craft and that you can have different kinds and colours of beds.

They play this on the two downstairs PCs

Later S played on her realm with her friend L decorating and making guest bedrooms. S's realm is amazing and really the culmination of years of learning - she seems fluent in redstone and command blocks and is always using the ideas from her YouTubers

E played on Cosmic PVP. I watched Preston Plays with E this morning (he is the co-owner of Cosmic) E likes to speculate how much money it earns him!

E also played on Cops and Crims since we looked at the leader board together he has taken a bigger interest in his stats.

I mentioned to someone today that O pretty much always stands up to play Minecraft.

E tried to play a new mod pack Bridge? but it was too big for all of our PCs

This afternoon E invited S to his Realm and they played with friend A building and enchanting. They have not played together is ages (months? maybe more) They also played a few rounds of build battle on Hypixel a server they like and where E is a VIP.


  1. Forgot the new TNT on cosmicpvp

