Thursday 8 October 2015

October 8th Minecraft Mum Update

I haven't posted on here since September.

There has been Mario Maker too but still lots of Minecraft

My role with E is reading, paying, setting things up and helping him navigate friendships.

E(8) aka GoldenEt006 is loving living Skywars on Hypixel especially when he plays with his friends. He loves it!

He is also still on Cosmic and talks about AH (auction house) and prices with real confidence and always has an eye on arbitrage opportunities

He still has a realm and a server. The server is hosted by Apex. First it was Crafting Dead then he moved it to Attack of the B team

On home days Minecraft with friends A, A and C is his best thing.

I have helped Et with several more of the Red Engineer's command block projects. We have tried those of other YouTubers but not managed to replicate the same success we've had with the Red Engineer

O(6) doesn't play as much as E but does enjoy Realms

S(10) continues to play very differently to E preferring role play and community building on realms and saving animals.

She remains very inspired by Aphmau's Minecraft diary series and was really excited for episode 100 recently - Aphmau uses Minecraft to act out plays produced and edited to a really high quality.


  1. Hi, any chance of a quick review of the pro's and con's of realms vs a server hosted by Apex pls? Can't decide which would be a good way to go. My son set up a server using minecraft but has realised that he can't use it for coding now that bukkit has finished. We're trying to figure out what would work well instead. ps I only understand half of what I've just typed ;-) pps just checked out the red engineer - excellent!

  2. Thanks so much for commenting MadameSultana - I was feeling pretty lonely out here in Minecraft Mum Land :)

    All three of my children have had at least 2 Realms now - The main pro is that they are very simple. Adding and deleting people can be managed by all of them for example. And the mini games are really popular. The main con of the Realm is that it is pretty expensive - Well, not massively it is £8 per month but of course I need 3 so that is £24. If they used Minecraft in more overlapping ways they could share but their friendship groups are slightly different and Et prefers PVP whilst S's Realms are more communities - I wrote a post about S's called "A Month in Glitter Village" by way of example.

    Another downside of Realms is that you can't mod them and that is why we moved to a server as E was keen to play Modded Minecraft with his friends

    Apex hosting have been excellent - they respond to my queries really really quickly and I can't fault them but we have had issues - First we started with a technic launcher mod pack called Crafting Dead and then we switched to Attack of the B Team and then back again! Apex moved it for us really quickly but the issues have been with E's community - although they can play Technic Launcher mod packs on SIngle Player they seem to struggle to run them on servers.

    I had hoped that having a server might give my 8 year old an incentive to improve his reading but it hasn't happened and the feet dragging has come from me as I have landed up ''managing'' it - but I can't fault Apex at all.

    Atm Et has both a server and a Realm,

    I am so pleased to read that you like the Red Engineer - E and I have enjoyed doing his projects together. I love his product.

  3. Fantastic! Thanks - that's been v helpful in deciding what to do. We've gone with Apex hosting and used this vid: to work out how to install Spigot. Definitely need a cup of tea now.

    Your Minecraft blog has come along at just the right moment for me :-) Thanks again.
