Tuesday, 19 January 2016

January Update

What's happening on planet Minecraft?

In the month since my last post E has been gifted a new gaming PC for Christmas. In the few days over the festive season that it was located downstairs next to the kitchen we noticed a massive difference in his play / happiness / behaviour. We moved his new PC upstairs after Christmas but within a few days it was back down again.

The ergonomics of his set up are not great  but having him close by is working out much better with staying connected. Lots of reasons.

E has a core group of 4 friends that he skypes with most days. A, A, P and C and a few others he plays with less often.

The new game on Hypixel Super Smash Heroes has been a major hit with his gang. They love it. As E is an MVP+ on Hypixel he was able to join in the beta test version.

CosmicPVP remains popular and Mineswine too.

E still has a Realm which he plays on most days- HE spent some time building a town with sister S and friend P then reset the world! He also build a castle with another friend then reset the world!

E still has a server hosted by Apex Minecrafting hosting but hasn't used it in a while.

S has been playing hide and seek on her Realm in the evenings but has also been investigating other games

S has really been enjoying the Yandere Simulator

O has played with his friend E from the Doctor Who tour a few times and likes JediCraft. He hasn't much used his realm in the last month