Wednesday, 28 October 2015

October 28th Update

That's 5 months ago. And even then it felt like we'd had Minecraft for years!

What's been happening?

The person playing the most Minecraft is defiantly E (8 for 10 more days)

He likes Skywars on Hypixel (where he is a VIP) and Factions on CosmicPVP - Since our last post he has bought the Halloween GKit on Cosmic

He's had a few carried away moments on Cosmic the last few days and his friendships have suffered as a result.

I've been reading up on the forum for ideas to help him.

E is playing with new friends today - made via this blog :) - good timing  

S (10 for a few more days)

has been mostly playing on the realm I mentioned last time, Kellack Green, tonight they have plans to put on a play of Frankenstein and have been writing scripts, casting for actors and making scenery. That's a bird's eye view of the amazing builds at the top of this post.

S has changed her gamer tag - she is now Fondue_Deer

S has taken several furniture ideas from the YouTuber Magnamusen

O (6)

Plays on Kellack Green too - in fact he showed me how to do the screen shots!

Has been building a castle on the HE server

Watching Dan TDM playing incognito to see if he still wins

Playing on the server belonging to his friend from the Doctor Who walking tour

and me? Since my last post I have clocked up around 10 hours on the cross trainer and feel so so much better for it mentally and physically. Way less grumpy about not doing any exercise.

That't my Minecraft Mum tip for today if being home all the time is hard for you too. I have the cross trainer next to the PC O plays on so I can do the reading with him. As a very great friend said yesterday quoting back one of my own catch phrases to me

''Home ed problems have home ed solutions." 

Orin's castle with redstone doors on the HE server

Sunday, 18 October 2015

Sunday 18th October

This blog is a spin-off from my main blog The Gallivanters a bit like the Colbys and Dynasty!

It's been an intense weekend's Minecraft here. So much so that I have started to wonder what we will put in the log cabin when we move the lego out........It is a year this week since we had BT Infinity (high speed internet) installed. 3 simultaneous Minecraft servers and group Skype calls would not be possible without this!

S (very nearly 11) has found a cool gang of 4 or 5  like minds, mostly via the HE Server, and plays on a Realm divided into towns Kellack Green and Rosewood. They publish daily newspapers and sell pumpkin spiced lattes in Starducks and the Cat Cafe where the staff have uniforms. They are currently working on a play of Frankenstein organizing the scripts. The website Skindex, which we have long used for skins, has had a update and is apparently now much fiddlier to use. Some plays require several costume changes.  The villages also have a Police force.

S still has a realm but since our last post has mostly been playing on MCGs Realm.

Aphmau remains S's fave YouTuber for Minecraft role plays.

E, nearly 9,  has his server, hosted by Apex, up and running and a kind friend, A, has installed several plug ins and a money system. There was a funny moment when a member of the Apex staff came on and E and all his friends immediately killed him as they didn't recognise the gamer tag. It's mostly PVP and factions although there are some cool builds on there too.

E also likes CosmicPVP where he has invested huge chunks of time and real life money and Hypixel especially SKywars and Cops and Crims and Build Battles. Extras for Hypixel and Cosmic are hight up his birthday list. He has two solid friends A and A who he mostly plays with and a fluid group of 5 or so others (C, P & R)

E is looking for more people to join his server IP available on request.

E briefly played League of Legends but is more about Minecraft again now.

He likes PrestonPlayz and theRedEngineer on YouTube

O, 6, met a friend E on the Doctor Who walking tour of London last week and has been playing Minecraft with him on his server and Skyping this weekend. They have made themselves in giant version and on Saturday played for 5 hours with not a single argument! O is happy to play when there is a specific person or project but plays lots more Lego and MarioMaker than S and E

O likes DanTDM

And me? I have bought a cross trainer so I can exercise at home without having to nudge the gamers to leave the house............

Thursday, 8 October 2015

October 8th Minecraft Mum Update

I haven't posted on here since September.

There has been Mario Maker too but still lots of Minecraft

My role with E is reading, paying, setting things up and helping him navigate friendships.

E(8) aka GoldenEt006 is loving living Skywars on Hypixel especially when he plays with his friends. He loves it!

He is also still on Cosmic and talks about AH (auction house) and prices with real confidence and always has an eye on arbitrage opportunities

He still has a realm and a server. The server is hosted by Apex. First it was Crafting Dead then he moved it to Attack of the B team

On home days Minecraft with friends A, A and C is his best thing.

I have helped Et with several more of the Red Engineer's command block projects. We have tried those of other YouTubers but not managed to replicate the same success we've had with the Red Engineer

O(6) doesn't play as much as E but does enjoy Realms

S(10) continues to play very differently to E preferring role play and community building on realms and saving animals.

She remains very inspired by Aphmau's Minecraft diary series and was really excited for episode 100 recently - Aphmau uses Minecraft to act out plays produced and edited to a really high quality.